My farewell letter to Deloitte Consulting
Today is my last day. At one point in life, I dreamed of climbing the ranks in the sharktank that we call the corporate world. I fully enjoyed my experiences within the realm of management consulting, but something was tugging at me, something I couldn’t ignore no matter how hard I tried – the opportunity of entrepreneurship and following a dream. Below is my farewell letter to the members of my firm: “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” – Aaron Siskind My main focus in life has switched. It’s time to put a stop to the shenanigans of the dual life. (It was so exhausting!) Starting tomorrow, my passion and career will merge. I’ve been asked the question, ‘Would you ever go pro?’ more times that I can remember ‘ and I always thought I had a good answer excuse. Then it hit me. It’s time to take the biggest risk that I’ve ever taken in my life. Life is meant to be lived (and desserts are made to be eaten). I am the luckiest person in the world because I will be dedicating my life to something that I love to do. Deloitte Consulting (and everyone affiliated with it), thank you for teaching me the super-complex language of acronyms and consulting jargon. Thank you for teaching me the client service, project management and business acumen skills that I will directly correlate to my photography business. Most importantly, thank you for the incredible friendships I’ve made and the most challenging and rewarding years of my life. I expect you all to keep in touch.
Today is my last day of client service with, I believe, one of the best firms I could have ever dreamed to start a career with. The leap of faith certainly will not be as easy. I may not have stick figure drawings on napkins or a cute little Vietnamese kid to guide me. However, this time, I’m a little more prepared with a variety of shoes, not just flip flops. If I have to jump cliffs, I’ll do it ‘ It’s an experience and I’m determined to make it a memorable one. I’ve made a lot of interesting decisions in life and I do not regret any of them. To me, they’re all calculated risks. (However, I’ve been told that I use a different rubric than most.) I keep saying it, but I’m a lucky one. I really am. Cheers to a new world, new explorations and of course, new challenges. Here’s to dreamchasers worldwide. Deloitte Consulting, Goodbye. Thanks for the fantastic journey.