When you imagine two people that are adventurous, dog-lovers (Hi Ted!) and big into delicious eating, you skim the surface of who Erika and Mike are as a couple.
A few words from Erika: “Mike says the moment he knew he wanted to marry me was in December 2012, when I gave him the “12 Days of Christmas” for Christmas. Every other day I would make him some sort of delicious and often elaborate treat that corresponded to the (in)famous Christmas song. It’s true that a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I knew I wanted to marry Mike in July 2010, when he took me to visit New Orleans for the very first time. Mike went to Tulane, and he was always saying how amazing the city was. He went completely out of his way to make sure I got to do and experience all the best of New Orleans. It was incredibly thoughtful and very sweet.”
I loved that they decorated the giant T-Red at the Boston Museum of Science with a veil and a bouquet!
To dedicate part of their day to New Orleans, Erika arranged for a band to meet them immediately after their Sacred Heart Church ceremony and led them around the North End in a jazz band parade! Mike’s groomsmen whipped out their pocket squares and went crazy dancing in the streets.
After the cocktail hour, all of the guests were invited to watch a 20-minute electricity show. The highlight was when Erika and Mike walked into the giant metal birdcage and were lifted up in the air as sparks hit their cage.
My favorite part of the day was during the bus ride to and from the ceremony. Whenever Erika got even the slightest bit misty, one of her girls would Youtube the “It’s Raining Tacos” and bus would ensue in singing. I have no idea where it’s from, but it’s pretty damn catchy! “meat, shells, CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE!”
Erika and Mike, your family and friends are insanely awesome. Thanks for feeding me chicken and waffles. Have a great honeymoon in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia!