Boston Vietnamese wedding at Chow Chau City – Gabrielle + Dung
I like the little humans. They amuse me. It’s funny to think that at some point in time, I was that little. Everyone starts off this way – wobbly, curious of the world, and hungry/sleepy for many hours of the day. I have a handful of adorable younger cousins, nieces and nephews. They’re charming and I love them. When I saw Gabrielle, Dung and their little girl – Ava, I surprised myself a little with how I felt. I thought – if I can be an awesome of a parent as they are, I’d be happy.
Before the first tea ceremony at Gabrielle’s house, Ava needed a second alone with her mom. She wanted a bottle. Gabrielle went upstairs, played a familiar song on her iPhone and cuddled with her baby girl. I will never forget how I felt at that moment for as long as I live. It was absolutely beautiful. There is no love greater than a parent has for their children. Though I’m sure it’s a daily occurance in their household – music, bottle and cuddling, something about the moment moved me.
I fully enjoyed Gabrielle and Dung’s day. I loved that Dung’s eyes lit up when he held Ava. I adored that we had beautiful light for their portraits at the Boston Commons. I especially enjoyed the cake eating contest that happened at their reception. Above all, I feel fortunate to have witnessed such a beautiful family. Not only Gabrielle, Dung and Ava, but also her sister and mother, his brothers and a very tight knit group of (extremely fun and energetic) friends. Thank you for inviting me into your life.