11 Secrets to your Boston Newborn Photography Session

A Boston newborn photography session is something that is considered a must-do for any mother who recently gave birth.
In reality, our team can photograph your newborn session at any time – whether it’s a Fresh 48 session at the hospital, meaning that we photograph your new family member within 48 hours of birth, or whether it’s 3 or 6 months after your baby’s birthday. They’re all special moments, and deserve to be photographed!
Before you know it, your baby will be getting ready for his or her first day of school. Having photos that you can look back on and reminisce with can make it much more bearable, not to mention emotional because as we all know, they just grow up so fast!
However, preparing for your Boston Newborn Photography session is oftentimes easier said than done. Below, we will be going over some of the tips that you should use to prepare your newborn for your ever so important photography session.
11 Tips to prepare for your Best Boston Newborn Photography Session
Schedule your newborn photography session for 8 days after your due date
Sometime during your second or third trimester, call your photographer and book your newborn session 8 days after your due date.
Eight days is our secret sauce to giving you the upper hand for a much better session. Sometimes, babies come early. Sometimes, they come late.
Not only is this time period easiest for newborns because they tend to sleep for the majority of the day and night but making adjustments tend to go much smoother during this time, as well.
However, a true newborn session is ideally between 5-14 of age. You’ll most likely still be sleep deprived, and that’s okay! We’ll take it easy. After day 5, your baby’s umbilical cord will fall off, which is a nice bonus!
Allot about 2-4 hours for your newborn session
Clear your calendar before and after the session, because as you know, the first few weeks (maybe months) with a newborn is a little neurotic. However, we’re very familiar with this! Swaddling, changing diapers, feeding, burping, peeing, pooping, vomiting… We’ve seen it all – many many many times.
Extraordinary photographs take time, especially with a little one who is brand new to the world. Don’t make the common mistake of rushing your newborn photo session.
We like to take it slow during when photographing newborns, because we know how fragile everyone is – not just the baby, but the parents too! Patience is our middle name, and we’re here to help.
Prepare two simple and timeless outfits for baby
Set aside two outfits, just in case one gets ruined by a poop explosion!
We love simple clothing choices, so that we can focus on what matters – the connection between the baby and the parents, siblings, grandparents, pets, and other important people in their life.
We prefer simple and minimalist so that the photos will remain timeless! Simple clothing will help keep the focus on your beautiful baby and not what they are wearing.
Coordinate your outfit colors with your baby’s: Select 2-3 colors, and live in that color family!
This is one of the most frequently asked questions we get from parents prepping for their newborn photography session: “What should I wear for our Boston newborn photography session?”
Keep it simple. Avoid loud patterns and large logos because we want to avoid drawing eyes away from your baby!
I love it when families stick to neutral colors or picking two to three colors and coordinating the entire family’s outfits varying in tones! Ie: (blue, gray, and whites… or yellow, gray, and navy… or varying shades of pastels!)
Moms, we know that you have just given birth and maybe are struggling with body image. You are beautiful. You just made a tiny human. Your family loves you, imperfections and all! As mothers ourselves, we know that sometimes, we don’t want to show arm or tummy chub. Easy, wear sleeves or flowy tops. Done! 🙂
Do not worry about your messy home. Leave it!
It’s kind of like pooping while you’re in labor. Nurses are used to it. They’re professionals. It’s completely normal.
We completely understand that having a newborn in the house throws everything out of whack. Perhaps the dishes aren’t done. Perhaps clothes are strewn about. That’s okay. That’s all okay. We know you don’t live in an HGTV commercial.
When we come in to photograph you and your family, we’ll likely do a little decluttering in specific spaces where we’ll photograph. That’s not for you to worry about. We can take care of it!
If you are extremely worried, pick ONE place that you want to declutter. Usually, it’s the main living area. If you’re like me, I throw everything into a closet or a guest bedroom and call it a day. 🙂
Feed baby 30 minutes before the start of the session
A fed baby is a happy baby. For some parents, they’re trying to follow a schedule, and we understand that. When possible, let’s try to feed your baby before the session. Typically, babies are happier after they’ve been fed. Most likely, we’ll take another break within 1-2 hours for another feeding!
Crank up the heat!
Your baby has spent many months in a warm belly and will likely be more comfortable if we turn up the temperature (or turn off the AC if it’s in the summer). Don’t worry, we’ll wear deodorant. 🙂
Turn up the white noise machine to a volume level of a vacuum!
When babies are in the womb, they hear all sorts of loud noises! Pitch silence is a little terrifying to newborns, so let’s bring on the noise! Many mothers swear by the Hatch Noise Machine.
Whatever your baby prefers, we highly recommend turning up the volume for your Boston newborn photography session. We’ve had great luck with getting our babies to sleep by turning on the vacuum cleaner or even a hair dryer in the room!
Invite VIPs in the photography session – grandparents, siblings, pets, etc.
Imagine that in fifty years, your future family can look at these photographs and see a multi-generational photo holding the newest member of your family. This is what we consider priceless. Let us do that for you.
I don’t care if you’re waiting to lose another 10 pounds. I don’t care if your hair is a mess. I don’t care if you don’t have time to get your nails done.
This is your family legacy, and it’s important! I promise you. When you look back at these photos, the people are what’s most important, not your cuticles.
Hire a makeup and hair stylist to come to you!
Mom, I get it. You just pushed a baby out of your “down there” (or maybe you had an intense C-surgery! You’re sore, sleep-deprived, and overwhelmed.
They say that when a baby enters the world, a woman is born into motherhood, and also needs to be taken care of.
Partners, encourage your partner to splurge and hire someone to take care of the mother.
Don’t want to leave the house? You don’t have to. Hire a makeup artist and hair stylist to come to you! In addition to looking great, it feels great, too. If you need recommendation, let’s talk. Based on your style and geographic location, I’m positive I can help you find a talented artist!
Don’t be afraid to bribe!
I’m not beyond bribing toddlers (or even husbands) for an hour of cooperation. Snacks, toys, whiskey, whatever. Make it happen!
The first couple weeks at home with your new baby is special.
Let’s talk about how you want to remember them!
P.S. Want to see more family photos? Check ’em out here!