New friends at New England School of Photography

“I think every single person in the class was inspired and wishing you taught at NESOP all of our first year.”  -Nick


For the past three years, I’ve had the honor of blabbering to the senior wedding and portrait classes at the New England School of Photography, but there was something different about this year.  Maybe it’s because last year was such a dynamic year for me.  Maybe it’s because I’m still on myFoundation high.  Maybe it’s because I had Popeye’s fried chicken right before I spoke.  Whatever it was, it made the trek up three floors of with a suitcase of 6 albums worth it. It felt amazing to share stories about some of the mistakes I made and impactful takeaways from business school.

Thank you Laura Brownlee Pineda for your trust and confidence.

I spoke to two classes this year – here’s the Wednesday group!  🙂

and a quick snatch from Instagram.  Follow me here!  (

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